Heights Family!!
The Overall Total Funds Raised is $1700.
Thanks all the family for your support.

October 17th 2024 Mainspring
🍎 How can you help?
🍎 Parents/guardians are invited to participate by volunteering to help the students prepare and assemble the lunches.
🍎 The PTO is also asking for a small monetary donation from each famliy to help cover the cost of the lunch materials (food, water); would your family be able to send $5-$10 in with your child this week (in an envelope marked 'MainSpring'
🍎 We appreciate your support!
🍎 NOTE: ***You must have an active CORI form on file to volunteer. Email mcrugnale@sharonschools.net to verify and/or request a form. Note that these take about 5 days to be processed.
👇🏿 Sign up for the volunteer below 👇🏿
10/24 Fall Staff Breakfast
🎃 Let's kick off the school year by giving the Heights staff a delicious breakfast to show our appreciation for a smooth and fun start!
🎃 On Thursday, October 24th the PTO and Heights families will be providing a breakfast buffet for the teachers and staff members.
🎃 You may volunteer to bring/make one item, or as many as you like.
👇🏿 Click on the link below to bring an item. Thank you! 👇🏿

📣 📣 Calling all Heights families! 📣 📣
Heights Students are participating in the Boosters Fun Run again this year!
Event Dates:
Kickoff in school is Friday, Sept. 27th
Event date is Wednesday, 10/9
🥳Have you signed up your student for the Heights Fun Run?
🥳You don’t want to miss out, our Heights Fun Run is going to be epic!
🥳 It only takes a minute...
💻 Sign up online at MyBooster.com
🏫 Help us raise $25,000 for in-school enrichment programs, as well as school and classroom resources.
🙌 We will come together and have an AMAZING experience on October 9th!

Heights Family Photo Day with Ken Berman
Sunday, October 6th at Moose Hill Audubon Society
Check 1 item off your To Do List--professional family photos for the holidays!
Ken Berman is a local, professional photographer who specializes in family portraits; he uses the natural beauty of Sharon and surrounding areas to highlight his subjects. Book a session today to have beautiful, natural family photos to enjoy for years to come!

📸 Order Kids’ Pictures Today 9/23 📸
Our kids did a great job today!!
We loved seeing their smiles!!
💝 Also thanks all the volunteers who came to help with Picture Day.
⬇️ Scan QR code/visit Coffee Pond's website and order your student's pictures online!
📣 Just A Reminder: Orders placed after Picture Day will be subject to a $7 handling fee.
News from Mrs. Mellman, Heights Art teacher: