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2024-25 PTO Volunteer Positions: 

All volunteers are greatly appreciated!  PTO meeting attendance is encouraged but not required.  To be a member of a Committee, you must be a current PTO member (join through Membership Toolkit:

Room Parents

Deb F.--Room Parent Coordinator

***2024-25 Room Parents needed: 

Ms. O'Brien

--Acts as the essential communication liaison between classroom parents, the teacher, and the PTO

--Responsible for coordinating classroom donations for gifts, class needs, playdates, etc.

--5th Grade RPs will require more involvement on the 5th Grade Yearbook Committee (collecting pictures, docs, and keeping all students' work organized in a file)

Social Media Coordinator 

Jessie C.--coordinator 

--Manage PTO online presence on Facebook and website


Educational Programming Committee

Manjula R.--Chair

Risa B.--Co-Chair

--Coordinate supplemental educational programming for students

--Be able to be present during programs to ensure they run smoothly

Book Fair Committee

Chair position Open

***Volunteers needed as Co-Chairs

--Schedule, organize, and run all aspects of the school Book Fair during school hours and during evenings

--Assist the Chairs with set up of the fair, selling books, clean up of the fair


MainSpring Committee

Anne M.--Chair

Nicole T.--Asst. Chair

--Schedule, organize, and run student lunch bag assembly for the homeless shelter Main Spring in Brockton, MA

--Assist the Chair with food purchasing, lunch assembly in school, and delivery to Main Spring

Heights Garden Committee

Anne M.--Chair

--Coordinate with school administration to maintain the Heights garden seasonally and solicit and manage parent gardening help. This includes buying supplies, planting, watering, and weeding.  

Teacher Appreciation Committee

Deb F.--Chair

***Volunteers needed for upcoming events and co-chair

--Help schedule, organize, and run teacher appreciation events throughout the year

--Create and monitor online sign ups for events


School Spirit Committee

Rebecca C.--Chair

***Volunteers needed to assist Chair

--In charge of school spirit for various PTO events and in-school Spirit Weeks

--Help sell and manage Heights merchandise

Fundraising and Donations Committee

***2024-25 Position(s) open:  Chair(s), assistant Chairs

--Assist the PTO board members in sourcing existing and potentially new ways to raise money for the school 

--Experience with grant writing greatly welcome

--Organize and collect donations for the Special Funds Drive (usually in Dec/Jan)--Art, Music, Gym, Library, Technology, Gardening

Ice Cream Social Committee 

***2024-25 Position(s) open:  Chair(s), assistant Chairs

--Coordinate and plan all aspects of the ICS (in spring)

--Arrange ice cream truck, create and manage online sign up, solicit volunteers for event

--Manage the ICS raffle baskets w/ room parents, oversee details of the event

5th Grade Committee

All positions filled!

--Coordinates Fifth Grade farewell activities

--Creates and manages orders for Fifth Grade Yearbook and Graduation Package

Hedgehogs Give Back Committee

***2024-25 Positions Open:  Chair(s)

--Come up with ideas to give back to the community, participate in Sharon events, i.e. Sharon Day

--Plan and execute community events with local organizations 

Diversity and Cultural Committee

***2024-25 Positions Open:  Chair(s), assistant Chairs

--Plan and coordinate events, school activities, etc. that embrace Heights' diverse community and celebrate various cultures

--Work closely with the admin to approve all events or activities

Create your own committee or position

Please let the PTO know if you have any other ideas and would like to help! 

PTO Executive Board 2024-25

PTO Board Secretary: Anne M.
PTO Board Chairs:  Rebecca C

PTO Board Vice Chair: Jessie C., Anh Tu P.

​PTO Board Treasurer:  Srivi R.

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